Tag Archives: health

Purpose and Meaning

By Shae Hadden | Bio

The official arrival of fall always surprises me. It’s never the change in weather so much as the passage of time that draws me up short—what happened to the last few months of my life? This year I feel as if I’ve been lost in a time warp while the rest of the world runs ahead at its crazy pace…and as if I’m only just beginning to rejoin the rest of the human race. And no, I didn’t go on an extended vacation or take a leave of absence. All I did was connect to my

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I’ll Never…Part III

By Elizabeth Russell | Bio

It is difficult not to notice that many people focus on their health—the latest visit to the doctor or the most recent medication. I realize that, at least in part, this is due to a shift in attention—away from a concern with family, community or the world and toward this body in which we dwell and which, at this time of life, would command all of our attention if we let it. It is also difficult to live in this environment and not be reminded, almost daily, of our

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World Population Day

Nineteen years ago, the United Nations established World Population Day to affirm people’s basic human right to plan their families. The Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) included commitments from 189 countries to halve poverty by 2015, reduce child and maternal deaths, curb the spread of HIV/AIDS, advance gender equality and promote sustainable development. If we are to achieve any of these, we must promote

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Lost Zip

By Shae Hadden | Bio

There are times when losing one’s ‘zip’ could spell disaster—at the end of a race or the beginning of a romantic evening, for instance. And there are other times when losing it could be advantageous—as when one has pushed too far for too long and when a much-needed rest is in order. For me, the latter is the case.
My body feels ‘old and tired’ these days—as if I’ve lost my zip somewhere—simply because it isn’t working well. I’m operating

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Ethical Wisdom

My dear friend Joanne Kellert. Ph.D., and Jack Gilbert, Ed. D., have launched a one-day, in-house workshop called Ethical Wisdom: The Heart of Leadership, Influence and Power. It is designed to support health care leaders and professionals who are on a quest to improve patient safety, quality of care, patient and employee satisfaction, and the financial health of their organizations. They promise a day full of insights and ways to strengthen the ethical health of your organization and an

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My Body

I have been thinking a lot about my body. In my work, the body is a key to learning anything. Unless we ‘embody’ new distinctions, we continue to operate inside our habitual worldview and way of being—‘inside the box’. What I can see is that my conversation about my body, like all my conversations needs to change as I grow older. If I attempt to apply the same concepts and tools I learned and used as a young man to deal with who I am today, including my body, then I am going to be trapped

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One of the concerns ‘older’ people share with us is how important it is to keep our health. Hypochondriacs aside, the majority of us still hear and believe that the older we get, the more difficult maintaining good health will be. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that if we lose our health, we lose most—or all—of our other options. I confess I am not a health expert: the latest developments in nutrition, dieting and exercise are not my key concerns. Yet I am healthy and, while I could

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Health – Who’s on First?

By Vincent DiBianca

Like many, I’ve heard both sides of the ‘Cooking and Freezing in Plastic’ debate. A good friend recently sent me an email warning of the dangers of “microwaving and freezing food in plastic containers” accompanied with supportive research. Another friend responded by saying that the ‘authorities’ (including the FDA and Johns Hopkins University) say that Rubbermaid®, Tupperware®, plastic cookware and food wrap sold for home use have been thoroughly tested, only tiny traces of a plasticizer have been found, and even that is not an endocrine disrupter. This set off a productive dialogue about who to believe about what.

friend who is a prominent bio-chemist and clinical physiologist says
the impact of synthetics has a major impact on compromising the immune
system. (He contends that contrary to some reports, leaching from
microwave cooking has been proven to occur in virtually all plastics
and whether the plastic touches the food or not). Ugh!

I give little credence to much of the mainstream position on health and
well-being. Unfortunately, doubting our ‘authorities’

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By Vincent DiBianca

Regarding aging, health and well-being—I find myself interacting
with people who live in two worlds. Many of my friends take medication
(particularly antibiotics for loads of ailments), undergo surgery, eat
what they want, rarely exercise and several smoke. Other friends
(although fewer in number) believe that the body can heal itself inside
out, eat nutritionally (organic foods, vegan or vegetarian), meditate
and exercise regularly,

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