Tag Archives: elder_abuse

Toward An Ethic of Aging III

By Stuart J Whitley | Bio

In my last post I wondered about whether or not there was an ethic of aging. Again, by ‘ethics’ I mean simply some general consensus or agreement about what is good about the way we relate to one another. This is a group or communal expression of belief, rather than an individual or moral outlook. The distinction is thus simply drawn between morals and ethics, terms which are often interposed. I should be more explicit and ask whether there is a reasonable consensus

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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15th marks the 3rd Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, an event heralded by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. This NGO is affiliated with the UN and committed to increasing public awareness, education, and training of professionals in the identification and treatment of abuse, advocacy on behalf of abused and neglected elders, and stimulating research into this preventable
social and human rights issue.

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