Tag Archives: book

The Elder

By 2012, 50% of Americans will be over 60. Most of us can expect the gift of an additional 30 years of life.

What will we do with this gift?

Surviving old age is not enough.

We want to continue living to our highest potential. We want to be valued, to experience well-being, happiness and love, to be fully self-expressed in this last third of our lives. We still have a lot to contribute.

We need

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Recommended Reading

Here are a few more books we highly recommend. Click on a title to
be redirected to Amazon.com where you can search inside and/or order the book.

Aged by Culture
By Margaret Morganroth Gullette

The Ageless Spirit
Edited by Connie Goldman

Claiming Your Place at the Fire
By Richard Leider and David Shapiro 

From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A Profound New Vision of Growing Older
By Schacter-Shalomi, Azlman & Ronald S. Miller 

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