Tag Archives: american_dream

Online Gossip: Push it Back

By Jim Selman | Bio

Yesterday I received yet another of those ‘big lettered’ alarms about how appalled someone or another is about some left-wing motivated travesty against America, our troops and/or God. This one was about how the words “So Help Me God” were intentionally deleted from Roosevelt’s ‘Day of Infamy’ inscription on his Memorial in Washington D.C. About 30 seconds on Google and the facts are that this “eRumor

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Where are the Boomers in a Bust

By Jim Selman | Bio

It’s getting hard to stay ‘upbeat’ in the face of all the economic news. The line between a recession and depression is blurring more and more each day. It seems pretty obvious that we’re entering what will be a long road to some sort of prosperity. The old joke about a recession is when your neighbor loses his or her job and a depression is when you lose your job isn’t so funny anymore. I learned today that China is embarking on an official policy of selling directly

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