Category Archives: Fearless Aging

Legacy Leeches

By Jim Selman | Bio

I read an article recently describing what can only be described as a ‘feeding frenzy’ over the name and legacy of Nelson Mandela—one of the great leaders of our generation. This isn’t different from the kind of greedy infighting between family, friends and constituents that happens far too often when patriarchs become unable to manage their own affairs or simply die before the family is aligned

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Is Time Running Out?

By Jim Selman | Bio
It seems to me that there are three fundamental relationships that we all share as human beings:  1) our relationship with ourselves and other people, 2) our relationship with our circumstances, and 3) our relationship with time. When we are inflexible or stuck in habitual ways of being in any of these areas, we become trapped in a condition from which we cannot extract ourselves: we are caught in a

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Resentment & Disappointment

By Jim Selman | Bio

Resentment and disappointment are two of the most unproductive
(if not counter-productive)

moods we can have.

Resentment kills relationship. It is a mood that has embedded in it an accusatory frame of mind that someone or something is ‘against’ what we believe or want and will continue to be a threat in the future. Resentment is a mixture of fear, anger, lack of responsibility and entitlement that the world be the way we want it to be. Disappointment is pretty much the same,

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Older Americans Month

May 1st marks the beginning of Older Americans Month. As part of this year’s activities and events to honor older Americans, the U.S. Administration on Aging is inviting individuals to either share their "recipe for strength" in a national contest and/or participate in a one-mile walk on the National Mall in Washington, DC.

Contest entries should creatively promote the Older Americans Month 2010 theme: "Age Strong! Live Long!". They may be submitted as a video, photograph,

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The Beauty of Aging

By Shae Hadden

I recently came across a website called The Beauty of Aging. Besides the fact that I love the title, I was impressed by film producer Laurie Schur’s commitment to find role models who demonstrate that aging is a beautiful process. Her 35-minute documentary, Greedy for Life, captures the stories of two dynamic women over 80 who embrace life—despite its challenges—with energy and enthusiasm. Shirley Windward,

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