Online Gossip: Push it Back

By Jim Selman | Bio

Yesterday I received yet another of those ‘big lettered’ alarms about how appalled someone or another is about some left-wing motivated travesty against America, our troops and/or God. This one was about how the words “So Help Me God” were intentionally deleted from Roosevelt’s ‘Day of Infamy’ inscription on his Memorial in Washington D.C. About 30 seconds on Google and the facts are that this “eRumor

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Our Food and Health: At the Tipping Point

By Sharon Knoll | Bio

“I am not an optimist because I am
not sure everything ends well. Nor am I a pessimist because I am not sure
everything ends badly. I carry hope in my heart.”


I come from generations of food growers. And it is clear to
me that eating is one of the most intimate of actions. We take into ourselves
the whole of the plant or animal, including the environment in which it was
raised and killed. We take in the work and the well-being, or lack

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Souls 2009

By Jim Selman | Bio

Our group of men met for our semi-annual retreat on Vince’s farm in New Jersey. We’ve been meeting twice a year every year since 2000. Next year will be a decade of friends coming together for no other purpose than to support and empower each other in our lives. We’re older and we’ve been through a lot together. What I’ve grown to appreciate is that we’re all very willing, able and open to being vulnerable in sharing our lives, our experiences and our wisdom with

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