Uprooted and Looking for Answers

By Shae Hadden | Bio

There are times we know what we’re doing, and times we don’t have the foggiest idea what our lives are about. There are days when we feel ‘grounded’, and days when it’s as if our roots are torn out from under us. There are choices we make easily, and choices we avoid making at all costs.

These days it seems as if many of us are uprooted, challenged to look at what our lives are about, and faced with choices we’ve been running away from. There is no safe place in the middle of these transitions that we can run away to. Instead, we’re invited to be with the "messiness of life", as Laura puts it at No Safe Distance. This week, as I move my belongings into storage, there’s an opportunity to really sit with the big questions of life once again. Not the regular what do I do with my time, where do I live, and who do I want to be with questions that everyone seems to revert to in times of transition. I mean the really big questions, the one that form the foundation for all those other answers.

In the midst of all that is happening in the world today, who am I being? More importantly, who am I choosing to be?

This isn’t a one-time question with a simple, life-long, multi-purpose answer. It’s more like a process…an unfolding over time. Perhaps it is a context for living life fully. Which means all the answers to those other questions can fluctuate and change based on who I’m choosing to be at any particular point in time.

For today, I am choosing to be an explorer—an adventurer taking risks and in action based on my commitments and values, grateful for the time, health and energy to do so.

© 2009 Shae Hadden. All rights reserved.